  • Computing, I.T. V.E.T. & ICT C3

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Home 2021-05-01T07:03:54+02:00

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ICT C3.4 (ISBN 978-9918-9501-8-8)
Introducing C3.4 (ISBN 978-9918-9501-9-5)

Welcome to BOOKS-MT

BOOKS-MT is a dynamic educational website that complements the various textbooks used for the ICT, VET IT and Computing subjects, which are part of the Maltese curriculum. This website provides additional Audio-Visual Material Links, Java Classes, Past Papers, Educational Games, Downloadable Exercises and Presentations.


A Complete Computing Course

Man has always felt the need to communicate his feelings, thoughts and moods. Throughout time the tools with which people communicate have evolved and became better and more efficient to the extent of reducing the world to a global village, and improving life standards. ‘A Complete Computing Course’ is aimed at familiarising readers with one of the most important human creations, which has become an indispensable tool: The computer.

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Introducing Java

‘Introducing Java’ is a companion to ‘A Complete Computing Course’ and it covers in detail PART 4 – ALGORITHMIC PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING of the programming section of the SEC Syllabus (2013): COMPUTING. It is aimed at students who are following a course of Computing at ‘O’ Level and anyone who would like to have a basic introduction to text based Java programming.

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I.T. V.E.T.

The comprehensive trilogy series, I.T. V.E.T. 1, 2 and 3 include all material and subject matter covered at Forms level 3, 4 and 5 respectively, of the vocational subject: Information Technology (I.T.). I.T. V.E.T. 1, 2 and 3 act as textbooks and reference books where the learners are guided through the course content and learning outcomes of I.T.

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ICT Computer Competency Certification (C3) is the new certification for secondary students (levels 7 to 10).

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